We strive to bring positive change to the lives of young adults who have come through the foster care system or unaccompanied refugee minors by providing a team approach to mentor the young adults, identify their strengths, educational and work goals and career aspirations.

TSF meets the young adults where they are: identifying their gifts, past job and educational experiences, and job and career aspirations.
TSF helps the young adults by developing individualized
success plans.
Reinforcing our commitment by conducting small group workshops, financial education training and tutor services; all pro bono.
At The Success Foundation, we are a dedicated team whose primary goal is to make a difference in the lives of the young adults we mentor. We start by having one-on-one meetings with the young adults so we can review their prior job and educational experiences, help them identify their gifts and skills, discuss job and career aspirations and help them learn how to build a foundation to succeed.
Once the young adult completes any required assessment tools, and TSF has a good understanding of their aptitude and interest, as well as job and career aspirations, TSF prepares an individual plan utilizing all available community resources. TSF's ultimate goal with designing and executing the plan is for the young adult to earn a sustainable living and career wage to be able to live independently.
With our organization’s mission always in mind, TSF supports the individualized work we do by conducting soft skills (i.e. life skills) workshops, financial literacy training and tutoring services.

The Success Foundation (TSF) brings the power of a team
to prepare foster young adults or unaccompanied refugee minors to meet their goals so that they are ready to live independently.
Our Roots
Here at The Success Foundation of Virginia, we know that sometimes all it takes to change a life is a little encouragement and support. Since 2018, co-founders Gary Powers and Don DeLaney have been determined to have an impact in the Richmond Virginia (RVA) community. Focusing on young adults who have come through the foster care system, or unaccompanied refugee minors, on the verge of beginning an independent life, they developed a mission to share their passion and expertise by mentoring and assisting the young adults as they prepare to live independently.
The Success Foundation, a 501(c) 3 organization, is led by Gary S. Powers (Executive Director), Donald F. DeLaney (Board Chair), Gordy Rawles MD (Vice Chair) and Board Members: Sarah Bane Williams, Sara Hillgrove, Adrienne Whitaker and Rachel Strawn PhD.
Using the power of an experienced team, TSF starts by having individual meetings with the young adults, along with their case worker/coach, to learn about their backgrounds, their goals, dreams, creating a bond that will help us move forward. We talk about prior job and educational experience, discuss career aspirations, and ask the young adults to complete various assessments. The results allow TSF to highlight individual gifts and skills, often opening their eyes to possibilities they never imagined. TSF currently partners with Fostering Acadia, the largest single-site Independent Living (IL) agency in VA, by mentoring their young adults (ages 18-21) who have come through the foster care system. TSF also partners with Commonwealth Catholic Charities, one of the oldest refugee resettlement agencies in VA.
If interested in serving as a mentor to a young adult who has come through foster care or is an unaccompanied refugee and now in an Independent Living (IL) program, please contact Gary Powers, Executive Director, (M) 804.512.0576 garyspowers@gmail.com. On January 21, 2022, TSF was both honored/humbled to be the recipient of the Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Drum Major Award for exemplary community service to the underserved.
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"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does"