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YouScience Assessment Tool is a real game changer!

Updated: Mar 27, 2021

One of The Success Foundations Guiding Principles when we first began mentoring the young adults we serve was to focus on accentuating the young adults strengths rather than their deficiencies. In order to do so though we quickly learned that we needed an assessment tool that helps us and the young adults learn what their strengths are. Based upon a recommendation we received six months ago from Re:Work, another non profit in RVA, we were very fortunate to learn about a powerful assessment tool available through YouScience.

Re:Work is one of the organizations in RVA who is doing amazing work with assisting older adults in the East End of RVA find and keep living wage jobs. We offer our gratitude to Re:Work for their recommendation.

Through completing a series of exercises YouScience is able to generate both a Strengths Report as well as a Career Assessment Report. The Strengths Report has to date been remarkably accurate in identifying the young adults numerous strengths many of which the young adults have been completely unaware.

The challenge with the YS Strength Report however is that it is way too long. We needed someone to assist with condensing the report from the original 30+ pages down to a more manageable four or five pages while still maintaining the essence of identifying the young adults strengths.

A few months ago Sara Hillgrove raised her hand through this site and asked if she could help. We quickly realized that Sara had exactly the skill set we needed to take on the task of

condensing and summarizing the young adults Strengths Report. The results have been absolutely amazing! To give you an idea here is a response from a young adult who recently received the YS Summary Strengths Report Sara prepared: “Awesome, thank you so much! These results are fire! Really tells me about myself in a better way! Thank you for having me take that test!”

Kudos to Sara Hillgrove for stepping in at just the right time to take the lead in helping us with this very important task (although for those who follow our blog you will know that none of the doors that have opened to Team TSF have been coincidental 🔥).

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